Easter Program 2009

Lenten Groups

The Ursuline Sisters are offering Lenten reflection and discussion groups and would like to invite parishioners and other interested people to join with them at one of the following times:

  • Monday mornings from 10.30am to 12 noon at Prato, 57 Leopold Street, beginning 23 Feb. Phone 9798 0455 if you like to participate in this session.
  • Wednesday evenings from 7.30pm to 9pm at The Piazza, 53 Leopold Street, beginning 25 Feb. Phone 9798 5188 if you like to participate in this session.

The Brisbane Program Grace to You will be followed. The cost of the booklet is $9. The Sisters look forward to sharing this journey with you.

24th February :: New Ashes

Any palms you have from last year can be brought along on Tuesday 24th February at 8:40 am when they will be burnt during the school assembly in the school grounds. Morning Mass will follow as usual at 9.00 am.

25th February :: Ash Wednesday

There will be two Masses – 7.00 am and 9.00 am at St Francis Xavier’s and an evening Mass at St Mel’s at 7.00 pm. Please see Church Noticeboards for our Pennitential Obligations.

Lenten Devotions
Exposition of the Bless Sacrament and Benediction

On Fridays during Lent, following 9.00am Mass, there will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 10.40am, followed by Benediction, At 10.20am, senior clases from our Parish School will join us in prayer. All parishoioners are exalted to make a special effort to join in this Lenten Devotion.

Stations Of The Cross will be held on Friday evenings, commnecing at 7.00pm at St Mel’s Campsie and all St Francis Xavier’s parishioners are welcome to attend.

Tuesday of Holy Week (7 April) Year of St Paul: Holy Hour for St Paul will be head at St Francis Xavier’s from 7.30pm until 8.30pm.

Sabato 28 Marzo (Saturday 28th March)

Le Confessioni Italiane ci saranno – dale ore 4.30pm.

5th April :: Palm Sunday – Celebration of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem

Masses as per normal Sunday timetable

The Blessing of Palms will take place at 5.50pm (prior to the 6.00pm Vigil) and at 9.50am (prior to the 10.00am Mass). Please assemble in the school grounds.

Wednesday 8th April: 9.00am Mass

Holy Week Women’s Gathering at The Piazza, 53 Leopold St

9th April :: Holy Thursday

Note: No morning mass

Mass of the Holy Oils at St Mary’s Cathedral: 10:30am (Parishioners invited)

Solemn Celebration of the Lord’s Supper commencing at 7pm, followed by Prayer and Adoration at the Altar of Repose until 10pm

10th April :: Good Friday

Stations of the Cross at 10am, followed by Confessions.

Solemn Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion at 3pm

7th April :: Easter Saturday

Solemn Celebration of the Easter Vigil at 7:00pm

8th April :: Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday Masses – 8am and 10am