Go Make Disciples
Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP launched the new Archdiocesan Mission Plan Go Make Disciples. The new plan is aimed at renewing our parishes as places of encounter with the living Christ and centres of evangelisation and outreach to our community in love and mercy. In the weeks and months ahead we hope you will join us in an Archdiocesan-wide prayer campaign, calling on the Holy Spirit, to prepare the hearts of each of us and of all our parishes and Eucharistic communities to receive anew the fire of God’s love and the desire to be ever more faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ.
Please find a link below to a downloadable video message from Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP on the launch of the new Archdiocese of Sydney Mission Plan, Go Make Disciples …
More information can be found at Go Make Disciples
Blessed are you, Father, who, in your infinite love sent us your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, that we may have life, and have it in abundance.
By the power of the Holy Spirit, renew our Eucharistic communities.
May they be places of encounter with the living Christ, centres of evangelisation and outreach to our community in love and mercy.
Grant us the gifts of faith, hope and love to be faithful disciples of Jesus and radiant witnesses to the people of Sydney.
Our Lady, Help of Christians. Pray for us!
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Star of the New Evangelisation. Pray for us!
St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. Pray for us!
Updated: 5 September 2022