SACRAMENT OF FIRST RECONCILIATION will be celebrated between 20th – 27th March. NB: Parent/Carers Information Meeting – 7th February (7pm)
SACRAMENT OF FIRST EUCHARIST will be celebrated on Sunday 10th June at 10am and 12 noon. NB: Parent/Carers Information Meeting – 2nd May (7pm)
To be eligible for the First Eucharist Program, children must have completed the First Reconciliation Program.
SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION will be celebrated on Friday 31st August at 7.00pm. NB: Parent/Carers Information Meeting – 21st February (7pm).
Children in Year 6 and above who have been baptised in the Roman Catholic Rite and have received the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, are eligible to receive this Sacrament.